The kids are down for a quick nap so I thought I would, I could, take a couple of free moments to upload some images. Leslie and the boys were here for a quick visit... along with Penny. It's nice to see the baby cousins altogether. Elinor and John John laughed and laughed with Ben. He is so silly. Ben is all boy and a typical 3 year old - if there is such a thing. The thing that makes Ben so great is that he is curious, inquisitive and imaginative. He is also sensitive and loving. Drake is just a very squishy baby. My mom would have loved to squish him. And Leslie is a wonderful sister-in-law. I didn't get to choose her but I am so glad my brother did.
It's just a rainy Tuesday here, so I doubt we will get out much today. So I am busy making baby food for the kids: chicken noodle soup (I will puree), peas, squash, and apples. They had cauliflower for the first time last evening. I jazzed that up with a little apple. They loved it.
Enjoy the photos. I am feeling a little blah today... maybe it's the weather.
Wishing that all of you feel loved today and hoping that you receive lots of hugs and kisses from people around you.
Leslie & Drake
The crazy crew minus John
John was just about to grab a fistful of Penny's fur.
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