Monday, April 26, 2010

A Dog's Birthday

Lloyd had a birthday. My pup is 3 years old. We don’t know his actual birth date since we rescued him. I decided to count 12 weeks back from my birthday – since that is when he was given to me. The best birthday present ever!
So here is Lloyd celebrating his birthday with a peanut butter carrot cake I made for him. The frosting was pureed cottage cheese. He was not especially fond of the candle. But he loved everything else about it.

Oh get a good look at that ugly vinyl flooring… because it’s gone.
(pictures taken with phone)

Andy tiled the floor over the weekend with some help from Chuck, our neighbor and lifesaver. It was a lot of back breaking work – but the final product is so worth it. Now we have a beautiful ceramic tile floor. It really makes the kitchen and the whole house look so much more bigger and beautiful. I love the way it feels underneath my bare feet. I know most people probably have ceramic in their homes – but looking and walking on that tile makes me feel like I am in a home right out of a magazine. Thank you Andy – great job!

On another note…
I have been told that my blog seems a bit negative. I apologize to my readers if you feel that way. I do not want to be perceived in that manner. I have a wonderful life with so many things to be thankful and grateful for.
I suppose that if a person is outwardly negative that must mean that person feels negative on the inside. Negative thoughts and beliefs about oneself initially form when we accept a critical or negative opinion that someone else has given us.
So, first I need to try and identify when I am being negative. That’s a tough one for me. I don’t usually see the negative. Once I can conquer that, then I can shift any negative thought to a more positive one.

Now that John is crawling – this is one of his favorite things to do. He just likes to look out the window to the back yard. Too cute!

1 comment:

  1. -Happy Birthday Lloydie!
    -Your blog is not negative, it is full of life and some points in life are negative!
    -Keep posting, I enjoy reading and looking at pictures!
    -The babies are so big now! Go John go!
