Friday, May 27, 2011

I never learn

I really thought he was carrying the container of blocks around because he was going to use them in another room..... when will I learn?

He always has a plan.  Which is pretty amazing if you think about it.  He wanted to see what was on top of the counter. He stopped, he thought and figured out what he needed to achieve that goal.   His mind just blows me away sometimes.  I know, I know, it's all about development.  I am not saying that he is Einstein.... but it is really interesting the way a toddler's mind works.  I like the way he solves a problem. I hope he carries that into adulthood.

No big plans for the holiday weekend. I like being home.  I am going to take the twins here  tomorrow for a bit.  Andy has to drive to Buffalo to pick his Dad  and then drive him back to Olean.  We were just in Western NY for a funeral on Wednesday.  More driving for Andy.  He'll be back on Sunday though.  So we still get one more day, Monday, with him.   We'll hit the parade on Monday morning.   
Have a super weekend! 

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

It's like Disney World

Strip 'em of their clothes, turn on the hose and they have the time of their lives.....

Monday, May 23, 2011

Our backyard

This is a huge reason why I do not allow the twins to prance around in the backyard...

This is our cute neighbor Kennedy holding a horrible snake. It's a constrictor type snake.  It must have been about four feet long.  This is what lives in our backyard. I hate the thought of it slithering around out there with who know how many others.   I have also witnessed a raccoon, a possum, a small red fox, and more.
I love to look at my backyard, but I hate walking in it.    

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Feeling the Music

Yes, another video. But this stuff makes even my bad days better.

Doesn't that make you smile?  Sometimes, all I have to do is start singing something and they start to jig. Incredible.  They are a lot like their Daddy in that way (with a bit of Aunt Pat mixed in).  

The rain has been keeping us inside.  It's supposed to be better this weekend. I was able to plant some flowers last weekend.  I sure hope they live through the rain and the cold from this week.
John says "mama" now.  Nothing gets me out of bed faster in the morning, than when I hear my boy yell out "mama!"  I love it.  Music to my ears.
Here's a pic of my girl in piggies.  I didn't do it.  The sitter's daughter kept Elinor still in front of the tv (don't even get me started on that).  Elinor kept them in for about 10 minutes.  I have to hairspray her hair over to the side just to keep it out of her face. She won't let me put a clip in it.  Ever.

And one of John and Andy just for the hec of it. They're cute too. 

We got to do a bit of video calling with Auntie Kell and Lex (pretty girl) this evening.  I love that.  Everyone should have access to that. An email is fine.  A phone call is great.  But a video call..... nothing better. 

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Belly Laughs

The kids and I had a great Tuesday.  I just love it when they play together.  I was able to capture a game of hide & seek. 
Elinor is really starting to talk a lot.  She says so many words.  Some even surprise me.  She says John and John-John all day long.  She calls for Daddy and she loves to call for me from across the house.  They were both evaulated by the county for development.  John's verbal communication is not where it should be.  The speech pathologist feels that he will finally get it, however, he does qualify for a little speech therapy.  So we are going to try that and continue to work with John.  He is so great in other areas of development..... climbing is one of them.  He also ran away on Mother's Day... out the back door.  Lloyd never made  a peep as he watched him go.  Andy finally realized that he was gone and caught him in the neighbor's back yard in pj's and bare feet.  Deck gates to be ordered soon. Until then, the back door is always locked. 
So the crib tent has been a dream.  There are no random middle of the night visits by young John.  Everyone is getting a good night's rest with the tent.  He doesn't even mind it anymore either. We just try to make it really silly like giving kisses through the mesh.  It sends him into giggles  
The kids have found a new love for jumping from the coffee table to the couch.  It's scary. I would rather they go back to dancing on it.  

Wouldn't it be great to be this fearless!  

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A new tent

Well, we had to do it.  We really had no choice.  John, being the climber that he is, was consistently climbing out of his crib.  It was getting to be troublesome. He would appear in our room in the middle of the night, at 5am i the morning, whenever he darn well felt like taking a walk.  So, we pitched a tent.  A crib tent.  Right on top of his crib.  Some call it a cage.  I like to call it a peaceful night's rest.