Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Bad Habits

We had one of the most awful nights last night.  Elinor would not go to sleep when I put her down.  She screamed.. not cried... screamed.  I rocked her, then put her down.  She screamed.  I kept laying her down. Finally she woke John but he is good about laying about down and going back to sleep. Finally I got her up and she was up until around 9:30.  I couldn't take anymore and put her back down. Great. Fine.  Then John had a night terror. Of course.  His sleep was interrupted.  We picked him up immediately and he would not come out of the terror.  He screamed, thrashed, pushed.  This lasted for almost an hour.  Andy tried to wake him up but that didn't seem to help. Even awake, he screamed and thrashed.  It was awful.
Elinor was back at it again tonight.  I would not give in.  She screamed and cried. I went in and put her back down and went away. This happened about 5 times. She finally calmed down after 45 minutes.  I hate letting her cry, but she really needs to learn how to sleep on her own.
All in all, we had a pretty good day.  John and I had a straight faced staring contest today.  He won... I couldn't help but smile and then he finally laughed after he saw me laugh.  So funny.  I really, truly thing Elinor said "hi Goldie" to our neighbor's dog who visits Lloyd frequently throughout the day.  It was plain as day.

I made a great pizza for dinner.  Red onion marmalade with ricotta cheese and prosciutto.  The crust was whole wheat.  I love love love making homemade pizza. It is the best. 

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