The kids had their 18 month check up today. Here are the stats:
(she looks very chubby in this picture)
21 lbs 4 oz
31.75" long
(rough housing with the pillow pals)
25 lbs 15 oz
33" long
The doctor commented on the size of John's head. It is 52 cm. He is in the 95th percentile for his head diameter. If it grows 2 more cm by age 2, we will be advised to take him to a neurosurgeon. Good grief! I feel like that is a bit drastic. John comes from a family of Whites who also have large heads. Just look at his daddy's. I couldn't stop looking at his head today. I mean I know it's a little big because we have trouble getting some shirts over his head. But geez.... a neurosurgeon?! I just love that little guy! He is such a smiley boy.
They each had a shot and a good cry (sounds like I am talking about a couple of drunks or perhaps something I myself could use).... but seriously, they recovered well. They napped for ages and still went to bed at their regular time.
At 18 months they are both able to feed themselves with a fork and/or spoon. They often remove their own clothes. They are very helpful with small household tasks. When they are not pushing and shoving each other, they are very thoughtful -such as passing the other their sippy cup. They walk and run very well. They can go up and down stairs. They can throw and roll a ball. They both understand mostly everything we say to them. They are both extremely verbal, however they do not say many words. Elinor says: hi, baby, choo choo, cold, coat, up, no, oh no, uh oh. John says: no, wow.... another concern of the pediatrician.
I love their laughs. I love to watch and see what interests them. I love when they want to be held - but not when they want to be held at the same time. I love the people that they have become so far.