Thursday, August 25, 2011

New words

Elinor has been talking up a storm.  Some of her new sentences are:

"Mommy, I help you."  which translates to "Mommy I need help"
"I like that."   translates to "I don't want it or I don't like it"
"Here Lloydie"
"Mommy (or Daddy) I love you" 
Elinor can name all the animals in Noah's Ark, she knows many colors, some shapes, and today she counted backwards from the number 8.
I have been trying to teach John some sign language and it's funny when Elinor uses it.... because I know what she is trying to communicate.
John has picked up a few more words. He is using "Mama" and "Daddy" without being prompted. He can say no, choo choo, Elmo, Ernie, ball, Pop Pop, Mimi, bye, Ellie, pull and maybe a few more.  Every word is a celebration.  He uses some sign language when I prompt him, which is great because it confirms what I am asking him.  He has also started to sing using la, la, la and he loves to play the harmonica.
I have to remind myself not to compare him to Elinor.  Each child is different.  I don't feel like I am a very good teacher though.  The speech therapist comes weekly - I am not sure how much that helps.  However, the kids will go to a new sitter after Labor Day.  There are a few kids their age and I think that may help John with his verbal skills, as well as his social skills.
Next on my checklist:  eliminating Elinor's paci and then on to potty training.....

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