Elinor weighs 12 lbs. 1 oz at 23.5 inches and John John is 14 lbs. 1 oz. at 24.5 inches long. The doctor is concerned about the size of John's head at 44 cm... it seems to be in the 95th percentile. But I am not too concerned because Daddy has a big head too.
We put up the Christmas tree on Sunday and added the lights. However, we haven't quite finished with the ornaments yet. The kids love it just the way it is.
Andy even decorated the back and the front of the house. This was a first for him.
I still have yet to get pictures done for Christmas cards. I hope to get to that this week.
One last photo of Elinor and me.
They are so cute! Johnnys head does look a little big, pad has got one too! Keep updating, Lex