Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Some days REALLY ARE better than others

Gosh, we had a great Tuesday at home today.  I managed to bake homemade blueberry muffins for breakfast, homemade meatballs and sauce, 6 loads of laundry, bed linens washed and changed, and a walk with the twins and dog all by Noon.  A very productive day.  We read lots of books today.  I really enjoyed the quiet time and also the kids playing well together.  See, I guess some days are better than others.



Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter

Daddy and John having fun with bubbles: 

Lloyd's 4th Birthday

Friday, April 22, 2011

It ain't pretty

This is what happens when two heads collide....Specifially John's big noggin hit my brow bone.  Ouch!  

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Some days are better than others

By the end of the day, before Andy arrived home, I was completely frazzled and on the edge of tears.  The kids did not listen to me at all today.  I feel like I yelled a lot which I know I shouldn't because they are only 20 months old.  How many times do I have to tell them to stay away from the dog food and water.  I have been instructing them every way possible since they could crawl.  When will they finally get it?  Oh, and here's something I never imagined that I would say to my daughter - "Please stay OUT of the toilet."  
There was much whining and crying going on today.  John threw many tantrums and then would come over to me for a hug.  Aggravating at first and then very sweet.
They are bored with the toys.  They lost interest in coloring, in stickers, painting, measuring out dried beans, playing with pots and pans, etc.  We are ready for the cold and the rain to go away so that we may frolic outside.
The picture below was taken at the end of the evening, under Daddy's watch.  Surprisingly, it did not bother me.

Friday, April 15, 2011


John was reunited with his lovey.  I forgot to pack in for the trip... major mistake.  He did not sleep well on vacation.  I don't know if that was because Lovey was at home.  He sure was happy to see it. 

The kids were absolutely horrible on the plane trip home.  Andy and I both swore that was our last trip.  However, the kiddos went to bed at 7:30 pm and never made a peep until 6:40 this morning.  This is what the morning after vacation looks like. 

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A few more vacation pics

The kids are absolutely loving the outdoors.  They enjoy the beach and the pool.  Elinor definitely enjoys the ocean more than John.  They like to swim in the pool but their big joy is climbing in and out and running around the pool and then teasing us with getting too close to the edge of the deep end.  Not so fun for Mom & Dad.  
Andy and I had a quick weekend trip to Miami for a wedding, while the kids stayed with Dad & Wendy.  
I'll post a couple of those pics later.
Last day today....

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Lazy Days Skirt

Here is a picture of one of the skirts I made for Elinor for the summer.  The pattern is super easy.  It has an elastic waist and there is no hemming involved.  I have a couple of others in the works - but this one was made with some fabric I had laying around.  I would like to make a few in my size.  So cute.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Vacation Day 1

Well, we made it all the way to Orlando without any headaches. The twins were great travelers for being just 20 months old. Grandpa and Mimi welcomed all of us with open arms at their condo in Cocoa Beach.  We unpacked, ate lunch and hit the beach. It was was a bit of a windy day - which is my favorite kind of beach day.  We didn't get to the beach until around 2:30... again, my favorite time to hit the beach.  We stayed until around 5pm.  The twins were totally off of their schedule and they were awesome.  They totally loved the beach - running to and from the water.  They were covered from head to toe in sand.  It was awesome.  Can't wait to do it all again tomorrow... and the day after, and again... you get the picture.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Where is John?

...Oh....stuck to his rocking chair.  Oops.  Sorry John.  This kid gets himself in some funny predicaments.  Just the other day I found him sitting in the bathroom sink, fully dressed, with the water running.  It happens so quickly.
Tomorrow we leave for vacation.  We dropped Lloyd off to his special sitter.  We miss him already. I don't like being in the house without him here.  The flight to Orlando is 2 hours.  Please send good thoughts for a  seamless, speedy, uneventful, peaceful trip with the twins.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Happy Birthday Lex

Happy 13th Birthday Lex 

Have a wonderful day!  
Make a wish and blow your candles out. 
We are so very glad that you were born on this day. 